Amherst Nursery School is a non-profit, non-denominational, private cooperative nursery school with classes for two, three and four year old children. Classes are taught by experienced preschool teachers assisted by teacher aides under the supervision of the on-staff education director. Parents have the opportunity to participate in the cooperative by serving as additional aides in their child’s classroom, by performing other jobs around the school as necessary, by attending meetings and special events, and by serving on the Parent Board of Trustees.
Accreditation Amherst Nursery School meet or exceed high standards for building and facilities, education equipment, fire and safety regulations, student health information, staff requirements, teacher-pupil ratio, educational program and curriculum.
Location and Facilities ANS is located at Harlem and Saratoga Roads in Snyder, NY in the lower level, east wing of Christ United Methodist Church. The school is easily accessed from Routes 290, 90 and 33 and is just a short distance from Buffalo, Cheektowaga, Williamsville and Tonawanda. The school consists of five classrooms (2 for four year olds, 2 for three year olds and 1 for two year olds), a large gross motor playroom, a music room, an outdoor playground and an office.
Board of Trustees ANS is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of parent volunteers. They are responsible for the business operation of the school and for setting policies which reflect and respond to parent concerns.
Cooperative Parent involvement in the classroom is one of the unique features of our preschool. This arrangement benefits the school, as well as the parent and child. Each child’s family will be required to co-op once per cycle. A cycle is defined as the number of co-oping days equal to the amount of children in the classroom. Co-op schedules will be parent centered, allowing parents to sign up for a date that is convenient for their family. Co-opers may help with crafts, story time, supervise play and will provide the class snack.
Our Parents observe their child’s development in a social setting of his/her peers; gain insight into early childhood development and parenting techniques through observation and communication with professional staff; get to know their child’s playmates and their families, providing support, friendships and memories that last a life time.
Our Children feel valued and associate positive feelings with school and learning; benefit socially from interacting with new adults in a familiar setting; form a unique connection with parents because of the meaningful, first educational experience they share.
Our Program benefits as extra adult help supports teachers in planning and executing educational objectives more efficiently; is enriched by the expertise of family members who share their jobs or interests with us in “special visits;” thrives due to the dedication, the input and the hard work of the ANS Parent Board of Trustees and the other jobs undertaken by parent volunteers in the school.
Participation Hours In the cooperative spirit and to enhance the programs, experiences and events at ANS, we require a minimum participation commitment of six hours per year from each member family. Your commitment may be fulfilled by working at one or more events such as a social event, the major annual fundraiser, or school-wide clean-up, by volunteering to make play dough for the classes, or in a host of other ways in school or at home. You are also free to come up with your own ideas of ways you might best serve ANS. Families sign up for their parent commitment choice at the parent meeting in September.